Have Children? Then Lead Them!

Have Children? Then Lead Them!
John Maxwell
God calls parents to lead their children. And just how does a parent become a good leader for a child? Partly by focusing on three key words:
• Modeling: Abraham Lincoln said, “There is but one way to train up a child in the way he should go, and that is to travel it yourself.” A good example is worth a thousand sermons. What you do has more impact on your child than all the lectures you could ever give.
• Management: Good management is the ability to discern the uniqueness of a child and teach him or her accordingly. We are to train up a child in the way he should go. This may mean we will have to adapt our style, depending on the child’s temperament and wiring.
• Memories: Memories are more important than things. Note that the verse says, “When he is old, he will not depart . . . ” This implies that the child has memories of his early experiences and embraces them later in life.
Excerpt from The Maxwell Leadership Bible

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