Promote Hope During Tough Times

Promote Hope During Tough Times! – Robert Rohm ~ / ~
Every time we pick up a newspaper or turn on the television, we are bombarded with depressing news; crime, murder, abuse, the economic crisis and on, and on. I think it is unfortunate that the news media has learned that the only real news that sells is bad news. Remember the motto of the news media? If it bleeds…it leads! Whatever is the most harsh, gory, shocking news will be the lead story. So do not be surprised that bad news gets attention. That will never change! Both newspapers and television have tried to promote good news from time to time, as the last story of the day, but it just does not seem to sell as well as bad news. I suppose that if you have chosen to have a career in that industry, you must provide what sells so that your organization can succeed. 

Because of the internet and social media, we now have access to bad news from all over the world. News like that has always been prevalent. In the past, however, we have not had so much free access and availability to it. Now, with the speed of telecommunications, we are all aware of circumstances, situations, and problems much faster. And, with that accessibility, it is easy for us to fall into the trap of being negative about everything that is taking place. Although I am a positive, upbeat person, I often find myself talking about doom and gloom as well. 

There is an old saying, “If you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.” It should be our goal to look for the good, the pure, and the positive in every possible situation. We should be agents of hope and encouragement in these difficult days. There is no way we will be able to solve all the world’s problems, but we CAN be a positive influence and promote hope to those with whom we come in contact day by day. I know that I have purposed in my own heart to catch myself when I begin to focus on the negative and immediately try to see what good I can find in what is taking place around me. 

Let me encourage you to make a conscious effort this week to balance every bit of negative information you hear by saying something positive. Look for a way to compliment someone. Find a way to thank someone for the little extra work or service they provide for you. Become proficient in seeing the silver lining behind the clouds. 

The world is out of balance right now and we are tipped heavily to the negative side. Let’s do all that we can on the positive side to be agents of hope and encouragement to everyone with whom we come in contact. It will bless them, and it will benefit you as well. 

Tip: Promote hope during tough times! 

Have a great week! God bless you!  Dr. Robert A. Rohm

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