Choose Your Words To Avoid Misunderstandings

Choose Your Words To Avoid Misunderstandings – Harvey Mackay ~ / ~
Bill was taking an aptitude test to become an insurance salesperson. Everything was going well until question #21. It read, “How far is the earth from the moon?” 

Bill turned to the examiner and said, “If you are expecting me to cover that territory, you can forget it!” 

And that’s how far too many conversations end – without letting the other party explain or clear the air. Perhaps Bill would have found his dream career if he had asked for a little more information about that question. But misunderstanding derailed his chances for getting hired. 

Eliminating misunderstandings requires clear communication, active listening and a proactive approach to sharing information. 

Clear communication requires being concise and specific, setting expectations and repeating key points. Use straightforward language and avoid jargon that might not be understood by everyone. Clearly outline what you expect from others and what they can expect from you. Emphasize important information to ensure that it is understood. 

Active listening entails giving others your full attention and not interrupting them while they are speaking. Repeat what you’ve heard to confirm that you’ve understood correctly and ask for clarification when needed. Recognize and address the emotional content of the communication, not just the factual. Understand that others may have experience that affects how they respond on a personal level. 

Proactive information sharing means providing context, documentation and follow up. Offer background information when discussing a topic to verify everyone has the same understanding. Keep written records of decisions and agreements to refer to if needed. After meetings or discussions, send out summaries to confirm what was discussed and any next steps. 

The effort expended in making certain that everyone understands each other is critical to the success of every project that requires the work of more than one person. Maintaining open lines of communication keeps projects moving toward the desired result. One glitch in the system caused by misunderstanding can spell disaster. Translation:  wasted time and money, angry customers and mistrust among co-workers. 

To avoid those outcomes, get ahead of the game. Begin by fostering a respectful work environment, from management to the mail room. Terrific ideas and advice come from many sources. It’s important to listen to the people who are charged with implementing the work or developing the product. 

Encourage feedback and create a safe environment. Invite others to share their thoughts and concerns. Foster an atmosphere where people feel comfortable speaking up and asking questions. 

Check for understanding. Ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes or no answer to gauge understanding. Pay attention to body language and facial expressions that may indicate confusion or disagreement. 

The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand; we listen to reply. Give everyone a chance to finish their statements before you offer your input. Imagine how you feel when someone cuts you off before you complete your thoughts. Be patient. Be respectful. 

Misunderstandings, while often seen as setbacks, can actually be powerful learning tools. For example, they can give you insight into communication styles. People interpret information differently, which highlights the need to tailor your communication. They also help identify which parts of your message aren’t getting through, allowing you to adjust your approach. 

Misunderstandings can actually strengthen relationships. Working through misunderstandings allows you to see things from another’s point of view. They can also build trust between parties, as it shows commitment to the relationship. 

Misunderstandings teach patience as you navigate through the process of clarification and understanding. They force you to be flexible and adapt your communication to different situations and individuals. 

Every misunderstanding is a learning opportunity in disguise. Embrace them as chances to refine your communication skills and strengthen your relationships. 

It all boils down to this:  Choose what you say instead of saying what you choose. Clear communication can turn a misunderstanding into a meeting of minds. 

Of course, maintaining a sense of humor helps you see the lighter side of misunderstandings. Sometimes they are so comical that a good laugh is the best response to the situation. 

A traveling salesperson was dining at his favorite restaurant chain. However, the usual steak he ordered well done was served rare. Irritated, he furiously motioned for the server. As the server approached his table, the salesperson blurted out, “I said WELL DONE!” “

Well, thank you,” responded the server. “Your compliment is appreciated.” 

Mackay’s Moral: Talk is cheap, but misunderstandings can be costly.

My Mess Is My Message

My Mess Is My Message! – Robert Rohm ~ / ~
It seems to me that almost everyone I have talked to lately has at one time or another found themselves in a big mess. None of us set out to end up in a mess, it just simply happens as a result of the circumstances of life. I even recently saw a sign that was made to hang up in a person’s office that said, “Bless this mess!” Truly all of us have been in circumstances and situations before that felt overwhelming. Life is not a smooth process. 

Have you ever been sailing? I am no seafaring expert, but I know that when sailing, you do not travel the seas in a straight line. You move across the water in a zig-zag fashion called “tacking.” It is the process of correctly turning the sails of the boat to allow the wind to catch the sails and drive the boat in one direction for a while. After a while, the sails are turned, and the rudder is adjusted so that the wind catches the sails and pushes the boat across to the other side. This zig-zagging pattern continues until the sailboat reaches its final destination. In the meantime, you must deal with the “mess” of the seas, the winds, unexpected turbulence, and everything else that comes your way. It is all part of the plan. 

Not to overstate the illustration, but airline pilots go through a similar process. Just this past week I was flying home from a speaking engagement and the pilot announced that there was a severe storm ahead that made it necessary for him to make a mid-course correction. He had to turn the airplane in a different direction for us to bypass the storm. He explained that it would take a little bit longer to reach our destination, but I can assure you that all the passengers were more than happy for him to change the course plans so that we did not have to experience a real mess! 

Life is like that. We are often headed in one direction when circumstances and situations arise that cause us to adjust our course. The messes that all of us experience from time to time force us to zig-zag our way to our intended goal. It may seem like a slower plan but in reality, it is a better, more successful way of arriving successfully at the desired destination. 

Whatever has happened in your life has been to help make you a better person. The mess that you may be experiencing right now will one day become something that you learn from and one day laugh about. Some of my deepest hurts and sorrows have become the very stories I have been able to share with others to help them through a difficult time in their own life. The same will be true for you. 

Let me encourage you, this week, in two ways: 1) Stay out of as many messes as possible. Stupidity in life is not required! Let’s be wise concerning every decision we make. 2) When we do discover that we have created a mess, or have become part of one, I would suggest that we let it become part of our life’s message to other people. No one wants to know how great and perfect we are. However, everyone is willing to listen to our personal experiences of how we struggled and failed along life’s journey. It is helpful for other people to hear how our “mess” became our message. It will be a blessing to others, and when all is said and done, isn’t that part of what life is all about? 

Tip: My mess is my message! 

Have a great week! God bless you!  Dr. Robert A. Rohm